
This page contains information concerning issues affecting riparian areas. The Council will provide information that is of special interest to our members. The Council is not an advocacy group, but one based on science and factual information.

Conservation Easement at Date Creek Ranch – July 20, 2023

Proposed revisions to regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act — March 10, 2020

Citizen’s Coalition Comment Letter on the Tonto National Forest Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement – March 12, 2020

Comments on the Pinto Valley Mine Draft EIS – January 27, 2020

Comments on the San Pedro National Conservation Area Draft Resource Management Plan – September 27. 2018

Triennial Review of the Clean Water Act (2017)
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Triennial Review Rulemaking
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Stakeholder Engagement Materials

Challenges to Clean Water Act (2015)
Letter to Congressmen

Letters of About Conservation Issues
Letter of Support Nominating the Upper Verde River as an Outstanding Water – 2018
Email Concerning San Pedro and Permitting for Villages at Vigneto – 2017

SB1478 (03/2014)

Riparian paper 1
Riparian paper 2
Riparian paper 3

The Arizona Riparian Council and Audubon Arizona have formed a cooperate agreement in support of one another (05/12/08)

Fossil Creek Information from American Rivers (09/04/05)

Governor Napolitano’s Water Listening Meetings (12/16/04)

November 18, 2004 in Scottsdale. Vice President Tom Hildebrandt attended the first meeting representing the Council.
December 14, 2004 in Tucson, Julia Fonseca, Water Issues Committee Chair, attended. Submitted written comments.

Fossil Creek (1/22/2004)
ARC comments on the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Clean Water Act (04/08/03)
Yuma Desalinization Plant (11/28/2003)
Yuma Desalinization Plant – Bypass Flow and Colorado River Delta (11/07/05)
Rio Salado Oeste Comments (08/01/06)
Letter to the Editor (09/11/06)

Arivaipa Creek