Riparian terms
Throughout this site and other publications these are terms that are commonly used.
Growing or living in or on water.
A water-bearing layer of rock, sand or gravel that is porous enough to allow water to pass through it.
Bank storage
Soaking up of excess available water in the banks of a stream, which is then slowly released back into the stream.
The wide variety of different life forms that occur in an area.
To lessen the impact; cushion.
The complex of living organisms and their environment functioning as a unit in nature.
Lasting only a short time. An ephemeral stream with flowing water only during and a short time after a precipitation event.
The process of transpiration by plants occurring in conjunction with evaporation of water from soil or plant surfaces.
Facultative riparian species
Plants and animals that use riparian areas, but are not restricted to spending their entire life there.
Floodplain aquifer
An aquifer is a water-bearing layer of rock, sand, or gravel that is porous enough to allow water to pass through it. A floodplain aquifer is an aquifer that is along the stream channel.
Water within the earth that supplies wells and springs; water in the ground that is entirely saturated.
The type of site where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives.
Scientist who studies the properties, distribution and circulation of water on land, in soil and underlying rock, and in the atmosphere.
Instream flow
This is the water that occurs in the channel of a stream. It is dependent on surface runoff, groundwater and other sources.
Intermittent means coming and going at intervals, not continuous.
Obligate riparian species
Plants and animals that must remain in the riparian zone in order to survive.
Occurring year round; present at all seasons of the year, continuous.
Vegetation, habitats, or ecosystems that are associated with bodies of water (streams or lakes) or are dependent on the existence of perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral surface or subsurface water drainage.
A foundation or sustaining wall made of stones or chunks of concrete thrown together randomly on a streambank to prevent erosion.
A relatively level plaln usually with a steep front bordering a river, stream or lake.
Growing or living in or on land.
The passage of water vapor from a living body through a membrane or pores.
The condition of being thick or opaque because of sediment.
Water table
The upper limit of the portion of the ground that is wholly saturated with water.
A region or area whose water drains through surface runoff and groundwater ultimately to a particular watercourse or body of water.