Arizona Riparian Council Campout: Cienega Creek Watershed, April 16-17, 2016

Cienega Creek
Cienega Creek

The Cienega Creek Watershed has some of the most ecologically intact wetland communities in southern Arizona, as well as a resident jaguar! We will tour a variety of riparian areas with local experts including:

  • Mead Mier, Pima Association of Government and Cienega Watershed Partnership
  • Gita Bodner, The Nature Conservancy
  • Julia Fonseca, Pima County Office of Sustainability and Conservation
  • Jeff Simms and Ben Lomeli, U. S. Bureau of Land Management
  • Kelly Mott LaCroix, Cienega Watershed Partnership and Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona
  • Ron Coleman, author of Wild Orchids of Arizona and New Mexico
  • Chris Bugbee and Aletris Neils, Conservation CATalyst
  • Sami Hammer, Sky Island Alliance

Come if you are interested in:

  • Groundwater-dependent riparian ecosystems
  • Wet-dry mapping
  • Restoration work by BLM to stem erosion
  • Clean Water Act Section 404 mitigation

Did we mention orchids, birds, herps? Well, come prepared to see diversity! Includes hikes of a mile or more on and off trail each day. Expect mud, water, brush, and the usual hazards. Overnight camp overnight at BLM’s Las Cienegas National Conservation Area.


The Council will be providing dinner Saturday evening of hamburgers and veggie burgers and the fixings and are requesting a donation of $15 to assist in the cost of dinner. Please register (meeting past, registration no longer available) for the meeting. You will be responsible for your own lunches and breakfast Sunday morning. Also don’t forget water!

Where to meet

Gabe Zimmerman Davidson Canyon Trailhead. More details and directions. Meet at the #1 Trailhead Parking at 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Saturday, April 16.

Things to know

Expect brush, uneven ground, and off-trail hiking. Potential for shallow water, bees, reptiles. Two of the field trip stops involve vehicular travel on a road that runs part of the way on a well-packed sand-bed wash. Carpooling in wash-worthy vehicles (Subaru Forester or other equivalent AWDs should be fine) will be encouraged, and there will be opportunity to temporarily consolidate with others who may have space to offer. At night, it can get in the low 40s at night even when the days are in the 90s; be prepared.