
Wrapup of Fall 2019 Fieldtrip/Campout
Twenty-three people visited St. David Cienega to see these rare plant communities there endangered by nearby development. We were fortunate have multiple perspectives on the site.

2019 Fall Field Trip/Campout — St. David Cienega, Murray Springs, and the San Pedro River
Visit an ancient cienega with megafaunal remains, and learn how groundwater recharge has restored spring flow and more.

Arizona Riparian Council Campout: Cienega Creek Watershed, April 16-17, 2016
The Cienega Creek Watershed has some of the most ecologically intact wetland communities in southern Arizona, as well as a resident jaguar! We will tour a variety of riparian areas with local experts.

28th Meeting of the Arizona Riparian Council October 15-16, 2015
The 28th Meeting of the Arizona Riparian Council will be held October 15-16, 2015 in the 1899 Ballroom, High Country Conference Center, Flagstaff, Arizona and is cosponsored by the School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University and the Soil and Water Conservation Society.

27th Annual Meeting Arizona of the Riparian Council – October 2-3, 2014
Jointly sponsored by the Arizona Riparian Council, Arizona Association of Environmental Professionals, and the University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center the 27th Annual Meeting of the Arizona Riparian Council

26th Annual Meeting, Skysong, Scottsdale – April 4-6, 2013
Sustaining Urban Rivers — Visions and Actions across the Southwest: Application for the Salt River through the Phoenix Metro Area The 26th Annual Meeting of the Arizona Riparian Council was

26th Annual Meeting, Skysong, Scottsdale, April 4-6, 2013
Sustaining Urban Rivers — Visions and Actions across the Southwest: Application for the Salt River through the Phoenix Metro Area The 26th Annual Meeting of the Arizona Riparian Council was
2012 – Fall Campout Meeting
The 2012 Fall Campout Meeting was held October 27-28 in conjunction with the Sky Island Alliance. The Arizona Riparian Council assisted the Alliance in their Spring Assessment and Management Planning

25th Annual Meeting at Eastern Arizona College, Thatcher – March 29-31, 2012
People and the Upper Gila River Riparian Ecosystem: Past, Present, and Future The 25th meeting of the Arizona Riparian Council was held in conjunction with the Gila Watershed Partnership at

2011 – Fall Campout Meeting
The Arizona Riparian Council held a joint meeting with the Flagstaff Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society October 22-23, 2011 at The Nature Conservancy’s Shield Ranch near Camp Verde. The Nature Conservancy acquired the 306-acre Shield Ranch in 2010. The property was acquired for its riparian values which include portions of West Clear Creek and the Verde River.