Journal article

Dosske, M. G., P. Vidon, N. P. Gurwick, C. J. Allan, T. P. Duval, and R, Lawrence. 2010. The role of riparian vegetation in protecting and improving chemical water quality in streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 48(2):261-277.

Stromberg, J. C., K. E. McCluney, M. D. Dixon, and T. Meixner. 2013. Dryland riparian ecosystems in the American Southwest: Sensitivity and resilience to climatic extremes. Ecosystems 16:411-415.

Patten, D. T. 1998. Riparian ecosystems of semi-arid North America: Diversity and human impacts. Wetlands 18:398-512.

Fleischer, T. L., M. L. Floyd, J. Rack, D. Hanna, K. Blevins, B. Christman, and A. T. Holycross. 2024. The Mogollon Highlands Ecoregion of the American Southwest: A neglected center of ecological diversity. Natural Areas Journal 44(2):104-119.

Fleischner, T. L. 1994. Ecological costs of livestock grazing in western North America. Conservation Biology 8(3):639-644.

Belsky, A. J., A. Matzke, and S. Uselman. 1999. Survey of livestock influences on stream and riparian ecosystems in the western United States. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 54(1):419-431.

Sogge, M. K., S. J. Sferra, and E. H. Paxton. 2008. Tamarix as habitat for birds: Implications for riparian restoration in the southwestern United States. Restoration Ecology 16(1):146-154.

Stromberg, J. C. 2001. Restoration of riparian vegetation in the south-western United States: Importance of flow regimes and fluvial dynamism. Journal of Arid Environments 49(1):17-34.

Hunter, W. C., R. D. Ohmart, and B. W. Anderson. 1988. Use of exotic saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis) by birds in arid riparian systems. The Condor 90(1):113-123.

Hunter, W. C., R. D. Ohmart, and B. W. Anderson. 1987. Status of breeding riparian-obligate birds in southwestern riverine systems. Western Birds 18:10-18.