2011 – Fall Campout Meeting

The Arizona Riparian Council held a joint meeting with the Flagstaff Chapter of the Arizona Hydrological Society October 22-23, 2011 at The Nature Conservancy’s Shield Ranch near Camp Verde. The Nature Conservancy acquired the 306-acre Shield Ranch in 2010. The property was acquired for its riparian values which include portions of West Clear Creek and the Verde River.

On Saturday afternoon, we heard from three speakers. Chip Norton, Friends of the Verde River Greenway, who talked about the Verde River invasive management plan. An Arizona Game and Fish Department representative talked about native fish plans, and Brenda Smith, Assistant Field Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, spoke on the Strategic Habitat Conservation in the Verde River Watershed Focus Area Plan.

We had free time to explore the area after the speakers. Some explored on their own and others joined Kim Schoenek, Heather Reading, and Jeanmarie Haney as they led a walk to the top of the white cliff and talk about The Nature Conservancy Verde River activities. The evening was enjoyed with a BBQ dinner from a local restaurant, Babe’s.

Sunday morning the group packed up and drove to West Clear Creek campground where Kim led them on a hike along West Clear Creek. During the hike she discussed how she is working with the local ditch associations to conserve water flows in the Verde which will benefit the habitat.