2019 Fall Field Trip/Campout — St. David Cienega, Murray Springs, and the San Pedro River

SAVE THE DATES! Novemeber 9-10, 2019

San Pedro River, Arizona
San Pedro River
  • Visit an ancient cienega with megafaunal remains, and learn how groundwater recharge has restored spring flow.
  • See the rare Huachuca water-umbel and hear about San Pedro water quality.
  • Visit a modern cienega with one of the experts on San Pedro River flora.
  • Learn about the beaver re-introduction on the San Pedro.
  • Bird and camp along one of the most beautiful and interesting private properties along the river, Gray Hawk Ranch.

A non-camping option is available next door at Lazy Dog Ranch. The field trip is not for your dog, but the Lazy Dog Ranch welcomes dogs of any size on its two-and-a-half enclosed acres. So plan your getaway!

Confirmed experts include:

  • Lisa Haynes, University of Arizona wild cat researcher
  • Vance Haynes, geoarcheologist of Murray Springs and other sites
  • Liz Makings, Curator, ASU Herbarium and author of San Pedro River flora
  • Marcia Radke, Wildlife Biologist, U. S. Bureau of Land Management
  • Jayne Knoche, Volunteer, Sierra Club Water Sentinels Program
  • Sandy Anderson, wildlife educator and our host at Gray Hawk Ranch

Details and Registration

There is a limit on this event of 20 participants so register early and please let us know if you decide to cancel. Please register by completing the registration form and emailing to [email protected]. You may pay by check to “Arizona Riparian Council” or through PayPal. We are requesting $20 or $5 for students (copy of ID needed) to help cover the cost of food, permits, and portajohns. There is a $0.50 charge for PayPal.

We encourage carpooling for this trip and all roads are passenger car accessible. You are responsible for your lunch on Saturday and breakfast Sunday. We will provide a hamburger/veggie burger dinner. You may bring your own beverages, but we will be providing water. Please don’t forget appropriate footwear for hiking, water, sunscreen, and hats. Plan to hike up to 1 to 2 mi at each stop.

It will be cold, possibly freezing, along the river in the evening and morning at our campsite; please bring warm camp gear so you will be comfortable.

We will begin by meeting between 10:30-11:00 a.m. at the Love’s gas station at Interstate 10 exit 302 (Highway 90). There you can sign in and will be briefed on the day’s events by Julia Fonseca who will provide directions to sites.

At the first stop we will walk from the Land Corral parking lot to St David Cienega where Liz Makings will provide an introductory presentation.

The next stop will be at Murray Springs where Vance Haynes and Jayne Knoche will speak. There is a vault toilet available at this stop.

From Murray Springs we will head to Sandy Anderson’s Gray Hawk Ranch where we will be camping for the evening. We will set up camp, explore on your own, and plan to have dinner around 5:30 p.m.

You will meet our host, Sandy Anderson, and you may view her reptile house or just chill by the campfire.

On Sunday, breakfast is on your own and you can do a little birding along the San Pedro.

We will break camp at 8:30 a.m. and at 9:00 a.m. go to the San Pedro House where Marcia Radke will lead us to Kingfisher Pond and Lisa Haynes will tell us about wild cats in the riparian area.

We plan to wrap it up here around 10:30 a.m. Consider visiting San Pedro House where you can get maps and more about exploring the San Pedro Riparian Conservation Area on your own. Return to Gray Hawk Ranch and pack up your belongings if you have not done so already.

San Pedro River