Selected Presentations

Climate Impacts and Water in the Riparian Zone – James Hogan, Assistant Director of Science, Center for Sustainability of Semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas, University of Arizona

Climate Change and Southwest Riparian Areas – Katherine Hirschboeck, Associate Professor of Climatology, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona

Climate Change and Variability: New Insights Suggest New Urgency – Lisa Graumlich, Director, School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona

Watershed and Upland Disturbance Factors – Peter Ffolliott, Professor, Watershed Resources, School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona

Projecting the Effects of Climate Change on Riparian Ecosystems in the Southwest: The Upper San Pedro as a Case Study – Mark Dixon, Assistant
Professor, Department of Biology, University of South Dakota

Synthesis Discussion – Implications of Morning’s Topical Presentations for Management of Riparian Areas – Duncan Patten, Research Professor, Land
Resources and Environmental Sciences, Montana State University

Selected Workshop Presentations

Picture Canyon: Planning Riparian-Wetland Refugia in an Urban Setting – Tom Moody and Stephanie Yard, Natural Channel Design, Inc.

Bringing Back Native Riparian Plant Communities Along Hydrologically Altered Rivers: Lessons Gained From Bi-National Collaborative Efforts Along
the Big Bend Reach of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo
– Mark Briggs, Chihuahuan Desert Program, World Wildlife Fund

Differential Effects of Climate Perturbations on Pure and Hybrid Cottonwood Species: Implications for Management – Alicyn Gitlin and Thomas Whitham, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University

Native Fish Conservation and Climate Variability in the Southwestern United States – Doug Duncan, US Fish and Wildlife Service and Gregg Garfin, CLIMAS, University of Arizona

Effects of Surface Water Depletion and Groundwater Withdrawal on Arizona’s Riparian Bird Communities – Chris Kirkpatrick and Courtney J. Conway,
University of Arizona

Influence of Beaver Activity, Vegetation Structure, and Surface Water on Riparian Bird Communities along the Upper San Pedro River, Arizona – Glenn Johnson and Charles van Riper, School of Natural Resources, University of Arizona and USGS Sonoran Desert Research Station

Using Recent Observations to Consider Global Warming Impacts on Riparian Areas – Melanie Lenart, Research Associate, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth, University of Arizona

Riparian Areas and Human Water Demand – Jeanmarie Haney, Hydrologist, The Nature Conservancy

Regional Groundwater Management for Sustaining Riparian Ecosystems: Linking Science with Policy and Dealing with Uncertainty. – Holly Richter,
Upper San Pedro Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy